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How To Download the Hyperledger Fabric Binaries and Sample Configurations


Option 1 - Getting the binaries and the sample configs using the official script

As part of the Hyperledger Fabric setup you need a bunch of binaries like configtxgen, configtxlator, cryptogen, discover, idemixgen, orderer and peer. Doing a google search for this does not return any immediate obvious results. I eventually found a script to download the binaries in the Hyperledger Fabric 1.1 sample docs which refers to a script that installs a whole bunch of stuff including the binaries:

curl -sSL | bash -s 1.1.0

Option 2 - Getting the binaries and the sample configs off of the official download URL

But if you simply want the binaries based on the contents of this script I found this URL which contains tars of different versions of the binary for different platforms. This tar also contains a config folder with some very fleshed out example config files: `configtx.yaml`, `core.yaml` and `orderer.yaml`.

Option 3 - Getting the binaries off of the official docker images

Another trick you can use to get the Linux binaries you (if for example this URL ever disappears) is off of the Fabric docker images as follows (you will need to change the docker hash to your docker hash and the Fabric version to the version you are using):

  • First run the docker image in detached mode:

docker run -ti -d hyperledger/fabric-tools:1.2.0

  • Then copy each of the binaries off the image to your machine"

docker cp <yourFabricToolsContainerId>:/usr/local/bin/configtxgen . && \

docker cp <yourFabricToolsContainerId>:/usr/local/bin/configtxlator . && \

docker cp <yourFabricToolsContainerId>:/usr/local/bin/cryptogen . && \

docker cp <yourFabricToolsContainerId>:/usr/local/bin/peer .

Sample Config Files

The example yamls from the downloaded tar can be found below. The Apache 2 license for these can be found here

1 of 3 - configtx.yaml

# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#   This section defines the organizational identities that can be referenced
#   in the configuration profiles.

    # SampleOrg defines an MSP using the sampleconfig. It should never be used
    # in production but may be used as a template for other definitions.
    - &SampleOrg
        # Name is the key by which this org will be referenced in channel
        # configuration transactions.
        # Name can include alphanumeric characters as well as dots and dashes.
        Name: SampleOrg

        # ID is the key by which this org's MSP definition will be referenced.
        # ID can include alphanumeric characters as well as dots and dashes.
        ID: SampleOrg

        # MSPDir is the filesystem path which contains the MSP configuration.
        MSPDir: msp

        # Policies defines the set of policies at this level of the config tree
        # For organization policies, their canonical path is usually
        #   /Channel/<Application|Orderer>/<OrgName>/<PolicyName>
        Policies: &SampleOrgPolicies
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('SampleOrg.member')"
                # If your MSP is configured with the new NodeOUs, you might
                # want to use a more specific rule like the following:
                # Rule: "OR('SampleOrg.admin', 'SampleOrg.peer', 'SampleOrg.client')"
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('SampleOrg.member')"
                # If your MSP is configured with the new NodeOUs, you might
                # want to use a more specific rule like the following:
                # Rule: "OR('SampleOrg.admin', 'SampleOrg.client')"
                Type: Signature
                Rule: "OR('SampleOrg.admin')"

        # AnchorPeers defines the location of peers which can be used for
        # cross-org gossip communication. Note, this value is only encoded in
        # the genesis block in the Application section context.
            - Host:
              Port: 7051

#   This section defines the capabilities of fabric network. This is a new
#   concept as of v1.1.0 and should not be utilized in mixed networks with
#   v1.0.x peers and orderers.  Capabilities define features which must be
#   present in a fabric binary for that binary to safely participate in the
#   fabric network.  For instance, if a new MSP type is added, newer binaries
#   might recognize and validate the signatures from this type, while older
#   binaries without this support would be unable to validate those
#   transactions.  This could lead to different versions of the fabric binaries
#   having different world states.  Instead, defining a capability for a channel
#   informs those binaries without this capability that they must cease
#   processing transactions until they have been upgraded.  For v1.0.x if any
#   capabilities are defined (including a map with all capabilities turned off)
#   then the v1.0.x peer will deliberately crash.
    # Channel capabilities apply to both the orderers and the peers and must be
    # supported by both.  Set the value of the capability to true to require it.
    Channel: &ChannelCapabilities
        # V1.1 for Channel is a catchall flag for behavior which has been
        # determined to be desired for all orderers and peers running v1.0.x,
        # but the modification of which would cause incompatibilities.  Users
        # should leave this flag set to true.
        V1_1: true

    # Orderer capabilities apply only to the orderers, and may be safely
    # manipulated without concern for upgrading peers.  Set the value of the
    # capability to true to require it.
    Orderer: &OrdererCapabilities
        # V1.1 for Order is a catchall flag for behavior which has been
        # determined to be desired for all orderers running v1.0.x, but the
        # modification of which  would cause incompatibilities.  Users should
        # leave this flag set to true.
        V1_1: true

    # Application capabilities apply only to the peer network, and may be
    # safely manipulated without concern for upgrading orderers.  Set the value
    # of the capability to true to require it.
    Application: &ApplicationCapabilities
        # V1.2 for Application enables the new non-backwards compatible
        # features and fixes of fabric v1.2, it implies V1_1.
        V1_2: true
        # V1.1 for Application enables the new non-backwards compatible
        # features and fixes of fabric v1.1 (note, this need not be set if
        # V1_2 is set).
        V1_1: false

#   This section defines the values to encode into a config transaction or
#   genesis block for application-related parameters.
Application: &ApplicationDefaults
    ACLs: &ACLsDefault
        # This section provides defaults for policies for various resources
        # in the system. These "resources" could be functions on system chaincodes
        # (e.g., "GetBlockByNumber" on the "qscc" system chaincode) or other resources
        # (e.g.,who can receive Block events). This section does NOT specify the resource's
        # definition or API, but just the ACL policy for it.
        # User's can override these defaults with their own policy mapping by defining the
        # mapping under ACLs in their channel definition

        #---Lifecycle System Chaincode (lscc) function to policy mapping for access control---#

        # ACL policy for lscc's "getid" function
        lscc/ChaincodeExists: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL policy for lscc's "getdepspec" function
        lscc/GetDeploymentSpec: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL policy for lscc's "getccdata" function
        lscc/GetChaincodeData: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL Policy for lscc's "getchaincodes" function
        lscc/GetInstantiatedChaincodes: /Channel/Application/Readers

        #---Query System Chaincode (qscc) function to policy mapping for access control---#

        # ACL policy for qscc's "GetChainInfo" function
        qscc/GetChainInfo: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL policy for qscc's "GetBlockByNumber" function
        qscc/GetBlockByNumber: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL policy for qscc's  "GetBlockByHash" function
        qscc/GetBlockByHash: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL policy for qscc's "GetTransactionByID" function
        qscc/GetTransactionByID: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL policy for qscc's "GetBlockByTxID" function
        qscc/GetBlockByTxID: /Channel/Application/Readers

        #---Configuration System Chaincode (cscc) function to policy mapping for access control---#

        # ACL policy for cscc's "GetConfigBlock" function
        cscc/GetConfigBlock: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL policy for cscc's "GetConfigTree" function
        cscc/GetConfigTree: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL policy for cscc's "SimulateConfigTreeUpdate" function
        cscc/SimulateConfigTreeUpdate: /Channel/Application/Readers

        #---Miscellanesous peer function to policy mapping for access control---#

        # ACL policy for invoking chaincodes on peer
        peer/Propose: /Channel/Application/Writers

        # ACL policy for chaincode to chaincode invocation
        peer/ChaincodeToChaincode: /Channel/Application/Readers

        #---Events resource to policy mapping for access control###---#

        # ACL policy for sending block events
        event/Block: /Channel/Application/Readers

        # ACL policy for sending filtered block events
        event/FilteredBlock: /Channel/Application/Readers

    # Organizations lists the orgs participating on the application side of the
    # network.

    # Policies defines the set of policies at this level of the config tree
    # For Application policies, their canonical path is
    #   /Channel/Application/<PolicyName>
    Policies: &ApplicationDefaultPolicies
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Readers"
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Writers"
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "MAJORITY Admins"

    # Capabilities describes the application level capabilities, see the
    # dedicated Capabilities section elsewhere in this file for a full
    # description
        <<: *ApplicationCapabilities

#   This section defines the values to encode into a config transaction or
#   genesis block for orderer related parameters.
Orderer: &OrdererDefaults

    # Orderer Type: The orderer implementation to start.
    # Available types are "solo" and "kafka".
    OrdererType: solo

    # Addresses here is a nonexhaustive list of orderers the peers and clients can
    # connect to. Adding/removing nodes from this list has no impact on their
    # participation in ordering.
    # NOTE: In the solo case, this should be a one-item list.

    # Batch Timeout: The amount of time to wait before creating a batch.
    BatchTimeout: 2s

    # Batch Size: Controls the number of messages batched into a block.

        # Max Message Count: The maximum number of messages to permit in a
        # batch.
        MaxMessageCount: 10

        # Absolute Max Bytes: The absolute maximum number of bytes allowed for
        # the serialized messages in a batch. If the "kafka" OrdererType is
        # selected, set 'message.max.bytes' and 'replica.fetch.max.bytes' on
        # the Kafka brokers to a value that is larger than this one.
        AbsoluteMaxBytes: 10 MB

        # Preferred Max Bytes: The preferred maximum number of bytes allowed
        # for the serialized messages in a batch. A message larger than the
        # preferred max bytes will result in a batch larger than preferred max
        # bytes.
        PreferredMaxBytes: 512 KB

    # Max Channels is the maximum number of channels to allow on the ordering
    # network. When set to 0, this implies no maximum number of channels.
    MaxChannels: 0

        # Brokers: A list of Kafka brokers to which the orderer connects. Edit
        # this list to identify the brokers of the ordering service.
        # NOTE: Use IP:port notation.
            - kafka0:9092
            - kafka1:9092
            - kafka2:9092

    # Organizations lists the orgs participating on the orderer side of the
    # network.

    # Policies defines the set of policies at this level of the config tree
    # For Orderer policies, their canonical path is
    #   /Channel/Orderer/<PolicyName>
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Readers"
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Writers"
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "MAJORITY Admins"
        # BlockValidation specifies what signatures must be included in the block
        # from the orderer for the peer to validate it.
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Writers"

    # Capabilities describes the orderer level capabilities, see the
    # dedicated Capabilities section elsewhere in this file for a full
    # description
        <<: *OrdererCapabilities

#   This section defines the values to encode into a config transaction or
#   genesis block for channel related parameters.
Channel: &ChannelDefaults
    # Policies defines the set of policies at this level of the config tree
    # For Channel policies, their canonical path is
    #   /Channel/<PolicyName>
        # Who may invoke the 'Deliver' API
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Readers"
        # Who may invoke the 'Broadcast' API
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "ANY Writers"
        # By default, who may modify elements at this config level
            Type: ImplicitMeta
            Rule: "MAJORITY Admins"

    # Capabilities describes the channel level capabilities, see the
    # dedicated Capabilities section elsewhere in this file for a full
    # description
        <<: *ChannelCapabilities

#   Different configuration profiles may be encoded here to be specified as
#   parameters to the configtxgen tool. The profiles which specify consortiums
#   are to be used for generating the orderer genesis block. With the correct
#   consortium members defined in the orderer genesis block, channel creation
#   requests may be generated with only the org member names and a consortium
#   name.

    # SampleSingleMSPSolo defines a configuration which uses the Solo orderer,
    # and contains a single MSP definition (the MSP sampleconfig).
    # The Consortium SampleConsortium has only a single member, SampleOrg.
        <<: *ChannelDefaults
            <<: *OrdererDefaults
                - *SampleOrg
                    - *SampleOrg

    # SampleSingleMSPKafka defines a configuration that differs from the
    # SampleSingleMSPSolo one only in that it uses the Kafka-based orderer.
        <<: *ChannelDefaults
            <<: *OrdererDefaults
            OrdererType: kafka
                - *SampleOrg
                    - *SampleOrg

    # SampleInsecureSolo defines a configuration which uses the Solo orderer,
    # contains no MSP definitions, and allows all transactions and channel
    # creation requests for the consortium SampleConsortium.
        <<: *ChannelDefaults
            <<: *OrdererDefaults

    # SampleInsecureKafka defines a configuration that differs from the
    # SampleInsecureSolo one only in that it uses the Kafka-based orderer.
        <<: *ChannelDefaults
            OrdererType: kafka
            <<: *OrdererDefaults

    # SampleDevModeSolo defines a configuration which uses the Solo orderer,
    # contains the sample MSP as both orderer and consortium member, and
    # requires only basic membership for admin privileges. It also defines
    # an Application on the ordering system channel, which should usually
    # be avoided.
        <<: *ChannelDefaults
            <<: *OrdererDefaults
                - <<: *SampleOrg
                      <<: *SampleOrgPolicies
                          Type: Signature
                          Rule: "OR('SampleOrg.member')"
            <<: *ApplicationDefaults
                - <<: *SampleOrg
                      <<: *SampleOrgPolicies
                          Type: Signature
                          Rule: "OR('SampleOrg.member')"
                    - <<: *SampleOrg
                          <<: *SampleOrgPolicies
                              Type: Signature
                              Rule: "OR('SampleOrg.member')"

    # SampleDevModeKafka defines a configuration that differs from the
    # SampleDevModeSolo one only in that it uses the Kafka-based orderer.
        <<: *ChannelDefaults
            <<: *OrdererDefaults
            OrdererType: kafka
                - <<: *SampleOrg
                      <<: *SampleOrgPolicies
                          Type: Signature
                          Rule: "OR('SampleOrg.member')"
            <<: *ApplicationDefaults
                - <<: *SampleOrg
                      <<: *SampleOrgPolicies
                          Type: Signature
                          Rule: "OR('SampleOrg.member')"
                    - <<: *SampleOrg
                          <<: *SampleOrgPolicies
                              Type: Signature
                              Rule: "OR('SampleOrg.member')"

    # SampleSingleMSPChannel defines a channel with only the sample org as a
    # member. It is designed to be used in conjunction with SampleSingleMSPSolo
    # and SampleSingleMSPKafka orderer profiles.   Note, for channel creation
    # profiles, only the 'Application' section and consortium # name are
    # considered.
        Consortium: SampleConsortium
            <<: *ApplicationDefaults
                - *SampleOrg

2 of 3 - core.yaml

# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#    LOGGING section
  # Default logging levels are specified here.

  # Valid logging levels are case-insensitive strings chosen from


  # The overall default logging level can be specified in various ways,
  # listed below from strongest to weakest:
  # 1. The --logging-level=<level> command line option overrides all other
  #    default specifications.
  # 2. The environment variable CORE_LOGGING_LEVEL otherwise applies to
  #    all peer commands if defined as a non-empty string.
  # 3. The value of `level` that directly follows in this file.
  # If no overall default level is provided via any of the above methods,
  # the peer will default to INFO (the value of defaultLevel in
  # common/flogging/logging.go)

  # Default for all modules running within the scope of a peer.
  # Note: this value is only used when --logging-level or CORE_LOGGING_LEVEL
  #       are not set
  level: info

  # The overall default values mentioned above can be overridden for the
  # specific components listed in the override section below.

  # Override levels for various peer modules. These levels will be
  # applied once the peer has completely started. They are applied at this
  # time in order to be sure every logger has been registered with the
  # logging package.
  # Note: the modules listed below are the only acceptable modules at this
  #       time.
  cauthdsl: warning
  gossip: warning
  grpc: error
  ledger: info
  msp: warning
  policies: warning
    gossip: warning

  # Message format for the peer logs
  format: '%{color}%{time:2006-01-02 15:04:05.000 MST} [%{module}] %{shortfunc} -> %{level:.4s} %{id:03x}%{color:reset} %{message}'

#    Peer section
  # The Peer id is used for identifying this Peer instance.
  id: jdoe

  # The networkId allows for logical seperation of networks
  networkId: dev

  # The Address at local network interface this Peer will listen on.
  # By default, it will listen on all network interfaces

  # The endpoint this peer uses to listen for inbound chaincode connections.
  # If this is commented-out, the listen address is selected to be
  # the peer's address (see below) with port 7052
  # chaincodeListenAddress:

  # The endpoint the chaincode for this peer uses to connect to the peer.
  # If this is not specified, the chaincodeListenAddress address is selected.
  # And if chaincodeListenAddress is not specified, address is selected from
  # peer listenAddress.
  # chaincodeAddress:

  # When used as peer config, this represents the endpoint to other peers
  # in the same organization. For peers in other organization, see
  # gossip.externalEndpoint for more info.
  # When used as CLI config, this means the peer's endpoint to interact with

  # Whether the Peer should programmatically determine its address
  # This case is useful for docker containers.
  addressAutoDetect: false

  # Setting for runtime.GOMAXPROCS(n). If n < 1, it does not change the
  # current setting
  gomaxprocs: -1

  # Keepalive settings for peer server and clients
    # MinInterval is the minimum permitted time between client pings.
    # If clients send pings more frequently, the peer server will
    # disconnect them
    minInterval: 60s
    # Client keepalive settings for communicating with other peer nodes
      # Interval is the time between pings to peer nodes.  This must
      # greater than or equal to the minInterval specified by peer
      # nodes
      interval: 60s
      # Timeout is the duration the client waits for a response from
      # peer nodes before closing the connection
      timeout: 20s
    # DeliveryClient keepalive settings for communication with ordering
    # nodes.
      # Interval is the time between pings to ordering nodes.  This must
      # greater than or equal to the minInterval specified by ordering
      # nodes.
      interval: 60s
      # Timeout is the duration the client waits for a response from
      # ordering nodes before closing the connection
      timeout: 20s

  # Gossip related configuration
    # Bootstrap set to initialize gossip with.
    # This is a list of other peers that this peer reaches out to at startup.
    # Important: The endpoints here have to be endpoints of peers in the same
    # organization, because the peer would refuse connecting to these endpoints
    # unless they are in the same organization as the peer.

    # NOTE: orgLeader and useLeaderElection parameters are mutual exclusive.
    # Setting both to true would result in the termination of the peer
    # since this is undefined state. If the peers are configured with
    # useLeaderElection=false, make sure there is at least 1 peer in the
    # organization that its orgLeader is set to true.

    # Defines whenever peer will initialize dynamic algorithm for
    # "leader" selection, where leader is the peer to establish
    # connection with ordering service and use delivery protocol
    # to pull ledger blocks from ordering service. It is recommended to
    # use leader election for large networks of peers.
    useLeaderElection: true
    # Statically defines peer to be an organization "leader",
    # where this means that current peer will maintain connection
    # with ordering service and disseminate block across peers in
    # its own organization
    orgLeader: false

    # Overrides the endpoint that the peer publishes to peers
    # in its organization. For peers in foreign organizations
    # see 'externalEndpoint'
    # Maximum count of blocks stored in memory
    maxBlockCountToStore: 100
    # Max time between consecutive message pushes(unit: millisecond)
    maxPropagationBurstLatency: 10ms
    # Max number of messages stored until a push is triggered to remote peers
    maxPropagationBurstSize: 10
    # Number of times a message is pushed to remote peers
    propagateIterations: 1
    # Number of peers selected to push messages to
    propagatePeerNum: 3
    # Determines frequency of pull phases(unit: second)
    # Must be greater than digestWaitTime + responseWaitTime
    pullInterval: 4s
    # Number of peers to pull from
    pullPeerNum: 3
    # Determines frequency of pulling state info messages from peers(unit: second)
    requestStateInfoInterval: 4s
    # Determines frequency of pushing state info messages to peers(unit: second)
    publishStateInfoInterval: 4s
    # Maximum time a stateInfo message is kept until expired
    # Time from startup certificates are included in Alive messages(unit: second)
    publishCertPeriod: 10s
    # Should we skip verifying block messages or not (currently not in use)
    skipBlockVerification: false
    # Dial timeout(unit: second)
    dialTimeout: 3s
    # Connection timeout(unit: second)
    connTimeout: 2s
    # Buffer size of received messages
    recvBuffSize: 20
    # Buffer size of sending messages
    sendBuffSize: 200
    # Time to wait before pull engine processes incoming digests (unit: second)
    # Should be slightly smaller than requestWaitTime
    digestWaitTime: 1s
    # Time to wait before pull engine removes incoming nonce (unit: milliseconds)
    # Should be slightly bigger than digestWaitTime
    requestWaitTime: 1500ms
    # Time to wait before pull engine ends pull (unit: second)
    responseWaitTime: 2s
    # Alive check interval(unit: second)
    aliveTimeInterval: 5s
    # Alive expiration timeout(unit: second)
    aliveExpirationTimeout: 25s
    # Reconnect interval(unit: second)
    reconnectInterval: 25s
    # This is an endpoint that is published to peers outside of the organization.
    # If this isn't set, the peer will not be known to other organizations.
    # Leader election service configuration
      # Longest time peer waits for stable membership during leader election startup (unit: second)
      startupGracePeriod: 15s
      # Interval gossip membership samples to check its stability (unit: second)
      membershipSampleInterval: 1s
      # Time passes since last declaration message before peer decides to perform leader election (unit: second)
      leaderAliveThreshold: 10s
      # Time between peer sends propose message and declares itself as a leader (sends declaration message) (unit: second)
      leaderElectionDuration: 5s

      # pullRetryThreshold determines the maximum duration of time private data corresponding for a given block
      # would be attempted to be pulled from peers until the block would be committed without the private data
      pullRetryThreshold: 60s
      # As private data enters the transient store, it is associated with the peer's ledger's height at that time.
      # transientstoreMaxBlockRetention defines the maximum difference between the current ledger's height upon commit,
      # and the private data residing inside the transient store that is guaranteed not to be purged.
      # Private data is purged from the transient store when blocks with sequences that are multiples
      # of transientstoreMaxBlockRetention are committed.
      transientstoreMaxBlockRetention: 1000
      # pushAckTimeout is the maximum time to wait for an acknowledgement from each peer
      # at private data push at endorsement time.
      pushAckTimeout: 3s
      # Block to live pulling margin, used as a buffer
      # to prevent peer from trying to pull private data
      # from peers that is soon to be purged in next N blocks.
      # This helps a newly joined peer catch up to current
      # blockchain height quicker.
      btlPullMargin: 10

  # EventHub related configuration
    # The address that the Event service will be enabled on the peer

    # total number of events that could be buffered without blocking send
    buffersize: 100

    # timeout configures how long to block when attempting to add an event to a full buffer:
    #   when timeout < 0 then discard the event and continue
    #   when timeout = 0 then block until event is added to the buffer
    #   when timeout > 0 then block and discard the event if the timeout expires
    timeout: 10ms

    # timewindow is the acceptable difference between the peer's current
    # time and the client's time as specified in a registration event
    timewindow: 15m

    # Keepalive settings for peer server and clients
      # MinInterval is the minimum permitted time in seconds which clients
      # can send keepalive pings.  If clients send pings more frequently,
      # the events server will disconnect them
      minInterval: 60s

    # the timeout to send events over the GRPC stream to clients
    sendTimeout: 60s

  # TLS Settings
  # Note that peer-chaincode connections through chaincodeListenAddress is
  # not mutual TLS auth. See comments on chaincodeListenAddress for more info
    # Require server-side TLS
    enabled: false
    # Require client certificates / mutual TLS.
    # Note that clients that are not configured to use a certificate will
    # fail to connect to the peer.
    clientAuthRequired: false
    # X.509 certificate used for TLS server
      file: tls/server.crt
    # Private key used for TLS server (and client if clientAuthEnabled
    # is set to true
      file: tls/server.key
    # Trusted root certificate chain for tls.cert
      file: tls/ca.crt
    # Set of root certificate authorities used to verify client certificates
        - tls/ca.crt
    # Private key used for TLS when making client connections.  If
    # not set, peer.tls.key.file will be used instead
    # X.509 certificate used for TLS when making client connections.
    # If not set, peer.tls.cert.file will be used instead

  # Authentication contains configuration parameters related to authenticating
  # client messages
    # the acceptable difference between the current server time and the
    # client's time as specified in a client request message
    timewindow: 15m

  # Path on the file system where peer will store data (eg ledger). This
  # location must be access control protected to prevent unintended
  # modification that might corrupt the peer operations.
  fileSystemPath: /var/hyperledger/production

  # BCCSP (Blockchain crypto provider): Select which crypto implementation or
  # library to use
    Default: SW
    # Settings for the SW crypto provider (i.e. when DEFAULT: SW)
      # TODO: The default Hash and Security level needs refactoring to be
      # fully configurable. Changing these defaults requires coordination
      # SHA2 is hardcoded in several places, not only BCCSP
      Hash: SHA2
      Security: 256
      # Location of Key Store
        # If "", defaults to 'mspConfigPath'/keystore
    # Settings for the PKCS#11 crypto provider (i.e. when DEFAULT: PKCS11)
      # Location of the PKCS11 module library
      # Token Label
      # User PIN

  # Path on the file system where peer will find MSP local configurations
  mspConfigPath: msp

  # Identifier of the local MSP
  # ----!!!!IMPORTANT!!!-!!!IMPORTANT!!!-!!!IMPORTANT!!!!----
  # Deployers need to change the value of the localMspId string.
  # In particular, the name of the local MSP ID of a peer needs
  # to match the name of one of the MSPs in each of the channel
  # that this peer is a member of. Otherwise this peer's messages
  # will not be identified as valid by other nodes.
  localMspId: SampleOrg

  # CLI common client config options
    # connection timeout
    connTimeout: 3s

  # Delivery service related config
    # It sets the total time the delivery service may spend in reconnection
    # attempts until its retry logic gives up and returns an error
    reconnectTotalTimeThreshold: 3600s

    # It sets the delivery service <-> ordering service node connection timeout
    connTimeout: 3s

    # It sets the delivery service maximal delay between consecutive retries
    reConnectBackoffThreshold: 3600s

  # Type for the local MSP - by default it's of type bccsp
  localMspType: bccsp

  # Used with Go profiling tools only in none production environment. In
  # production, it should be disabled (eg enabled: false)
    enabled: false

  # The admin service is used for administrative operations such as
  # control over log module severity, etc.
  # Only peer administrators can use the service.
    # The interface and port on which the admin server will listen on.
    # If this is commented out, or the port number is equal to the port
    # of the peer listen address - the admin service is attached to the
    # peer's service (defaults to 7051).

  # Handlers defines custom handlers that can filter and mutate
  # objects passing within the peer, such as:
  #   Auth filter - reject or forward proposals from clients
  #   Decorators  - append or mutate the chaincode input passed to the chaincode
  #   Endorsers   - Custom signing over proposal response payload and its mutation
  # Valid handler definition contains:
  #   - A name which is a factory method name defined in
  #     core/handlers/library/library.go for statically compiled handlers
  #   - library path to shared object binary for pluggable filters
  # Auth filters and decorators are chained and executed in the order that
  # they are defined. For example:
  # authFilters:
  #   -
  #     name: FilterOne
  #     library: /opt/lib/
  #   -
  #     name: FilterTwo
  # decorators:
  #   -
  #     name: DecoratorOne
  #   -
  #     name: DecoratorTwo
  #     library: /opt/lib/
  # Endorsers are configured as a map that its keys are the endorsement system chaincodes that are being overridden.
  # Below is an example that overrides the default ESCC and uses an endorsement plugin that has the same functionality
  # as the default ESCC.
  # If the 'library' property is missing, the name is used as the constructor method in the builtin library similar
  # to auth filters and decorators.
  # endorsers:
  #   escc:
  #     name: DefaultESCC
  #     library: /etc/hyperledger/fabric/plugin/
      - name: DefaultAuth
      - name: ExpirationCheck # This filter checks identity x509 certificate expiration
      - name: DefaultDecorator
        name: DefaultEndorsement
        name: DefaultValidation

  #    library: /etc/hyperledger/fabric/plugin/
  # Number of goroutines that will execute transaction validation in parallel.
  # By default, the peer chooses the number of CPUs on the machine. Set this
  # variable to override that choice.
  # NOTE: overriding this value might negatively influence the performance of
  # the peer so please change this value only if you know what you're doing

  # The discovery service is used by clients to query information about peers,
  # such as - which peers have joined a certain channel, what is the latest
  # channel config, and most importantly - given a chaincode and a channel,
  # what possible sets of peers satisfy the endorsement policy.
    enabled: true
    # Whether the authentication cache is enabled or not.
    authCacheEnabled: true
    # The maximum size of the cache, after which a purge takes place
    authCacheMaxSize: 1000
    # The proportion (0 to 1) of entries that remain in the cache after the cache is purged due to overpopulation
    authCachePurgeRetentionRatio: 0.75
    # Whether to allow non-admins to perform non channel scoped queries.
    # When this is false, it means that only peer admins can perform non channel scoped queries.
    orgMembersAllowedAccess: false
#    VM section
  # Endpoint of the vm management system.  For docker can be one of the following in general
  # unix:///var/run/docker.sock
  # http://localhost:2375
  # https://localhost:2376
  endpoint: unix:///var/run/docker.sock

  # settings for docker vms
      enabled: false
        file: docker/ca.crt
        file: docker/tls.crt
        file: docker/tls.key

    # Enables/disables the standard out/err from chaincode containers for
    # debugging purposes
    attachStdout: false

    # Parameters on creating docker container.
    # Container may be efficiently created using ipam & dns-server for cluster
    # NetworkMode - sets the networking mode for the container. Supported
    # standard values are: `host`(default),`bridge`,`ipvlan`,`none`.
    # Dns - a list of DNS servers for the container to use.
    # Note:  `Privileged` `Binds` `Links` and `PortBindings` properties of
    # Docker Host Config are not supported and will not be used if set.
    # LogConfig - sets the logging driver (Type) and related options
    # (Config) for Docker. For more info,
    # Note: Set LogConfig using Environment Variables is not supported.
      NetworkMode: host
        # -
        Type: json-file
          max-size: '50m'
          max-file: '5'
      Memory: 2147483648

#    Chaincode section
  # The id is used by the Chaincode stub to register the executing Chaincode
  # ID with the Peer and is generally supplied through ENV variables
  # the `path` form of ID is provided when installing the chaincode.
  # The `name` is used for all other requests and can be any string.

  # Generic builder environment, suitable for most chaincode types
  builder: $(DOCKER_NS)/fabric-ccenv:latest

  # Enables/disables force pulling of the base docker images (listed below)
  # during user chaincode instantiation.
  # Useful when using moving image tags (such as :latest)
  pull: false

    # golang will never need more than baseos
    runtime: $(BASE_DOCKER_NS)/fabric-baseos:$(ARCH)-$(BASE_VERSION)

    # whether or not golang chaincode should be linked dynamically
    dynamicLink: false

    # car may need more facilities (JVM, etc) in the future as the catalog
    # of platforms are expanded.  For now, we can just use baseos
    runtime: $(BASE_DOCKER_NS)/fabric-baseos:$(ARCH)-$(BASE_VERSION)

    # This is an image based on java:openjdk-8 with addition compiler
    # tools added for java shim layer packaging.
    # This image is packed with shim layer libraries that are necessary
    # for Java chaincode runtime.
    Dockerfile: |
      from $(DOCKER_NS)/fabric-javaenv:$(ARCH)-1.1.0

    # need node.js engine at runtime, currently available in baseimage
    # but not in baseos
    runtime: $(BASE_DOCKER_NS)/fabric-baseimage:$(ARCH)-$(BASE_VERSION)

  # Timeout duration for starting up a container and waiting for Register
  # to come through. 1sec should be plenty for chaincode unit tests
  startuptimeout: 300s

  # Timeout duration for Invoke and Init calls to prevent runaway.
  # This timeout is used by all chaincodes in all the channels, including
  # system chaincodes.
  # Note that during Invoke, if the image is not available (e.g. being
  # cleaned up when in development environment), the peer will automatically
  # build the image, which might take more time. In production environment,
  # the chaincode image is unlikely to be deleted, so the timeout could be
  # reduced accordingly.
  executetimeout: 30s

  # There are 2 modes: "dev" and "net".
  # In dev mode, user runs the chaincode after starting peer from
  # command line on local machine.
  # In net mode, peer will run chaincode in a docker container.
  mode: net

  # keepalive in seconds. In situations where the communiction goes through a
  # proxy that does not support keep-alive, this parameter will maintain connection
  # between peer and chaincode.
  # A value <= 0 turns keepalive off
  keepalive: 0

  # system chaincodes whitelist. To add system chaincode "myscc" to the
  # whitelist, add "myscc: enable" to the list below, and register in
  # chaincode/importsysccs.go
    cscc: enable
    lscc: enable
    escc: enable
    vscc: enable
    qscc: enable

  # System chaincode plugins: in addition to being imported and compiled
  # into fabric through core/chaincode/importsysccs.go, system chaincodes
  # can also be loaded as shared objects compiled as Go plugins.
  # See examples/plugins/scc for an example.
  # Like regular system chaincodes, plugins must also be white listed in the
  # chaincode.system section above.
    # example configuration:
    # - enabled: true
    #   name: myscc
    #   path: /opt/lib/
    #   invokableExternal: true
    #   invokableCC2CC: true

  # Logging section for the chaincode container
    # Default level for all loggers within the chaincode container
    level: info
    # Override default level for the 'shim' module
    shim: warning
    # Format for the chaincode container logs
    format: '%{color}%{time:2006-01-02 15:04:05.000 MST} [%{module}] %{shortfunc} -> %{level:.4s} %{id:03x}%{color:reset} %{message}'

#    Ledger section - ledger configuration encompases both the blockchain
#    and the state

    # stateDatabase - options are "goleveldb", "CouchDB"
    # goleveldb - default state database stored in goleveldb.
    # CouchDB - store state database in CouchDB
    stateDatabase: goleveldb
      # It is recommended to run CouchDB on the same server as the peer, and
      # not map the CouchDB container port to a server port in docker-compose.
      # Otherwise proper security must be provided on the connection between
      # CouchDB client (on the peer) and server.
      # This username must have read and write authority on CouchDB
      # The password is recommended to pass as an environment variable
      # during start up (eg LEDGER_COUCHDBCONFIG_PASSWORD).
      # If it is stored here, the file must be access control protected
      # to prevent unintended users from discovering the password.
      # Number of retries for CouchDB errors
      maxRetries: 3
      # Number of retries for CouchDB errors during peer startup
      maxRetriesOnStartup: 10
      # CouchDB request timeout (unit: duration, e.g. 20s)
      requestTimeout: 35s
      # Limit on the number of records to return per query
      queryLimit: 10000
      # Limit on the number of records per CouchDB bulk update batch
      maxBatchUpdateSize: 1000
      # Warm indexes after every N blocks.
      # This option warms any indexes that have been
      # deployed to CouchDB after every N blocks.
      # A value of 1 will warm indexes after every block commit,
      # to ensure fast selector queries.
      # Increasing the value may improve write efficiency of peer and CouchDB,
      # but may degrade query response time.
      warmIndexesAfterNBlocks: 1

    # enableHistoryDatabase - options are true or false
    # Indicates if the history of key updates should be stored.
    # All history 'index' will be stored in goleveldb, regardless if using
    # CouchDB or alternate database for the state.
    enableHistoryDatabase: true

#    Metrics section
  # enable or disable metrics server
  enabled: false

  # when enable metrics server, must specific metrics reporter type
  # currently supported type: "statsd","prom"
  reporter: statsd

  # determines frequency of report metrics(unit: second)
  interval: 1s

    # statsd server address to connect

    # determines frequency of push metrics to statsd server(unit: second)
    flushInterval: 2s

    # max size bytes for each push metrics request
    # intranet recommend 1432 and internet recommend 512
    flushBytes: 1432

    # prometheus http server listen address for pull metrics

3 od 3 - orderer.yaml

# Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#   Orderer Configuration
#   - This controls the type and configuration of the orderer.
  # Ledger Type: The ledger type to provide to the orderer.
  # Two non-production ledger types are provided for test purposes only:
  #  - ram: An in-memory ledger whose contents are lost on restart.
  #  - json: A simple file ledger that writes blocks to disk in JSON format.
  # Only one production ledger type is provided:
  #  - file: A production file-based ledger.
  LedgerType: file

  # Listen address: The IP on which to bind to listen.

  # Listen port: The port on which to bind to listen.
  ListenPort: 7050

  # TLS: TLS settings for the GRPC server.
    Enabled: false
    PrivateKey: tls/server.key
    Certificate: tls/server.crt
      - tls/ca.crt
    ClientAuthRequired: false

  # Keepalive settings for the GRPC server.
    # ServerMinInterval is the minimum permitted time between client pings.
    # If clients send pings more frequently, the server will
    # disconnect them.
    ServerMinInterval: 60s
    # ServerInterval is the time between pings to clients.
    ServerInterval: 7200s
    # ServerTimeout is the duration the server waits for a response from
    # a client before closing the connection.
    ServerTimeout: 20s

  # Log Level: The level at which to log. This accepts logging specifications
  # per: fabric/docs/Setup/
  LogLevel: info

  # Log Format:  The format string to use when logging.  Especially useful to disable color logging
  LogFormat: '%{color}%{time:2006-01-02 15:04:05.000 MST} [%{module}] %{shortfunc} -> %{level:.4s} %{id:03x}%{color:reset} %{message}'

  # Genesis method: The method by which the genesis block for the orderer
  # system channel is specified. Available options are "provisional", "file":
  #  - provisional: Utilizes a genesis profile, specified by GenesisProfile,
  #                 to dynamically generate a new genesis block.
  #  - file: Uses the file provided by GenesisFile as the genesis block.
  GenesisMethod: provisional

  # Genesis profile: The profile to use to dynamically generate the genesis
  # block to use when initializing the orderer system channel and
  # GenesisMethod is set to "provisional". See the configtx.yaml file for the
  # descriptions of the available profiles. Ignored if GenesisMethod is set to
  # "file".
  GenesisProfile: SampleInsecureSolo

  # Genesis file: The file containing the genesis block to use when
  # initializing the orderer system channel and GenesisMethod is set to
  # "file". Ignored if GenesisMethod is set to "provisional".
  GenesisFile: genesisblock

  # LocalMSPDir is where to find the private crypto material needed by the
  # orderer. It is set relative here as a default for dev environments but
  # should be changed to the real location in production.
  LocalMSPDir: msp

  # LocalMSPID is the identity to register the local MSP material with the MSP
  # manager. IMPORTANT: The local MSP ID of an orderer needs to match the MSP
  # ID of one of the organizations defined in the orderer system channel's
  # /Channel/Orderer configuration. The sample organization defined in the
  # sample configuration provided has an MSP ID of "SampleOrg".
  LocalMSPID: SampleOrg

  # Enable an HTTP service for Go "pprof" profiling as documented at:
    Enabled: false

  # BCCSP configures the blockchain crypto service providers.
    # Default specifies the preferred blockchain crypto service provider
    # to use. If the preferred provider is not available, the software
    # based provider ("SW") will be used.
    # Valid providers are:
    #  - SW: a software based crypto provider
    #  - PKCS11: a CA hardware security module crypto provider.
    Default: SW

    # SW configures the software based blockchain crypto provider.
      # TODO: The default Hash and Security level needs refactoring to be
      # fully configurable. Changing these defaults requires coordination
      # SHA2 is hardcoded in several places, not only BCCSP
      Hash: SHA2
      Security: 256
      # Location of key store. If this is unset, a location will be
      # chosen using: 'LocalMSPDir'/keystore

  # Authentication contains configuration parameters related to authenticating
  # client messages
    # the acceptable difference between the current server time and the
    # client's time as specified in a client request message
    TimeWindow: 15m

#   SECTION: File Ledger
#   - This section applies to the configuration of the file or json ledgers.
  # Location: The directory to store the blocks in.
  # NOTE: If this is unset, a new temporary location will be chosen every time
  # the orderer is restarted, using the prefix specified by Prefix.
  Location: /var/hyperledger/production/orderer

  # The prefix to use when generating a ledger directory in temporary space.
  # Otherwise, this value is ignored.
  Prefix: hyperledger-fabric-ordererledger

#   SECTION: RAM Ledger
#   - This section applies to the configuration of the RAM ledger.
  # History Size: The number of blocks that the RAM ledger is set to retain.
  # WARNING: Appending a block to the ledger might cause the oldest block in
  # the ledger to be dropped in order to limit the number total number blocks
  # to HistorySize. For example, if history size is 10, when appending block
  # 10, block 0 (the genesis block!) will be dropped to make room for block 10.
  HistorySize: 1000

#   SECTION: Kafka
#   - This section applies to the configuration of the Kafka-based orderer, and
#     its interaction with the Kafka cluster.
  # Retry: What do if a connection to the Kafka cluster cannot be established,
  # or if a metadata request to the Kafka cluster needs to be repeated.
    # When a new channel is created, or when an existing channel is reloaded
    # (in case of a just-restarted orderer), the orderer interacts with the
    # Kafka cluster in the following ways:
    # 1. It creates a Kafka producer (writer) for the Kafka partition that
    # corresponds to the channel.
    # 2. It uses that producer to post a no-op CONNECT message to that
    # partition
    # 3. It creates a Kafka consumer (reader) for that partition.
    # If any of these steps fail, they will be re-attempted every
    # <ShortInterval> for a total of <ShortTotal>, and then every
    # <LongInterval> for a total of <LongTotal> until they succeed.
    # Note that the orderer will be unable to write to or read from a
    # channel until all of the steps above have been completed successfully.
    ShortInterval: 5s
    ShortTotal: 10m
    LongInterval: 5m
    LongTotal: 12h
    # Affects the socket timeouts when waiting for an initial connection, a
    # response, or a transmission. See Config.Net for more info:
      DialTimeout: 10s
      ReadTimeout: 10s
      WriteTimeout: 10s
    # Affects the metadata requests when the Kafka cluster is in the middle
    # of a leader election.See Config.Metadata for more info:
      RetryBackoff: 250ms
      RetryMax: 3
    # What to do if posting a message to the Kafka cluster fails. See
    # Config.Producer for more info:
      RetryBackoff: 100ms
      RetryMax: 3
    # What to do if reading from the Kafka cluster fails. See
    # Config.Consumer for more info:
      RetryBackoff: 2s

  # Verbose: Enable logging for interactions with the Kafka cluster.
  Verbose: false

  # TLS: TLS settings for the orderer's connection to the Kafka cluster.
    # Enabled: Use TLS when connecting to the Kafka cluster.
    Enabled: false

    # PrivateKey: PEM-encoded private key the orderer will use for
    # authentication.
      # As an alternative to specifying the PrivateKey here, uncomment the
      # following "File" key and specify the file name from which to load the
      # value of PrivateKey.
      #File: path/to/PrivateKey

    # Certificate: PEM-encoded signed public key certificate the orderer will
    # use for authentication.
      # As an alternative to specifying the Certificate here, uncomment the
      # following "File" key and specify the file name from which to load the
      # value of Certificate.
      #File: path/to/Certificate

    # RootCAs: PEM-encoded trusted root certificates used to validate
    # certificates from the Kafka cluster.
      # As an alternative to specifying the RootCAs here, uncomment the
      # following "File" key and specify the file name from which to load the
      # value of RootCAs.
      #File: path/to/RootCAs

  # Kafka protocol version used to communicate with the Kafka cluster brokers
  # (defaults to if not specified)

#   Debug Configuration
#   - This controls the debugging options for the orderer
  # BroadcastTraceDir when set will cause each request to the Broadcast service
  # for this orderer to be written to a file in this directory

  # DeliverTraceDir when set will cause each request to the Deliver service
  # for this orderer to be written to a file in this directory